Rhythm Connection, 24×12, oil

A year ago, I began learning to play the drums. It is a slow hobby for me – in that I don’t practice as much as I should if I wanted to actually play the drums.

That said, learning has given me even greater appreciation for the rhythm section in a live performance. I had originally created this painting to focus on just the lighting and the drum set. But the deep connection that music artists have with their instrument, bandmates, and audience required a more intimate imagery.

Paint is applied in varying depths in this piece: thin to convey light and atmosphere, and thick to lay down the colors of the heart.

Pricing Information: $975 USD

Night Lights, 36×36, oil

A truly Southern California piece. So much expression and drama in this piece – and the more time you spend with it, the more subtle colors and texture you see. This is one of my favorite paintings, and its size feels like a window out into the night.

Christine White, Art - "Night Lights", 36x36, Oil on Canvas
Christine White, Art - "Night Lights", 36x36, Oil on Canvas

This video shows its size and some closer detail.

Pricing Information: $2800 USD

Valley Lights, 20×20, oil

The sun has just set, and the city is alive with the whole night ahead. Lights twinkle at the foot of the mountains, a view familiar to many of us out in the Western states.

This piece features paint applied thickly and with a palette knife, giving a subtle abstract feeling. It has a gloss varnish which showcases the texture and adds to the twinkling light at play.

Pricing Information: $600 USD

SOLD – The Garden in Early Fall, 12×24, oil

I visited the Cholla Garden in Joshua Tree National Park on a moody day. Alternating rain and broken sunlight, the weather painted the sky purple and enhanced all the colors of the cactus.

This piece is painted with exceptional detail – spines on the cacti in the foreground, a sweeping sense of depth in the distant desert. It is painted on a high quality wood panel with finished sides at a .75 inch width – thus it sits nicely in a frame or can be displayed without one.

This painting won 2nd place in the highly competitive Two-Dimensional Art category at the 2021 Joshua Tree National Park Art Council Exhibition.

Detail view shown below.

Christine White, Art - "The Garden In Early Fall", 12x24, Oil on Wood Panel, Detail View

Pricing Information: NA, this painting has been sold

SOLD – Rooftop View, 16×12, oil

A moment that stops us in our tracks. I crawled to the roof of our trailer to watch the colors sail across the sky. From that vantage point, I felt like I was staring over the ocean and the other trailers were whales or ships alongside.

This piece features dramatic light and carefully considered color. It invites you into the quiet, familiar magic of the day’s beginning and ending.

Details of the piece shown below.

Pricing Information: NA, this painting has been sold

Saddle Rock from Ryan Mountain, 14×18, oil on panel

Iconic Saddle Rock, as seen from the Ryan Mountain Trail in Joshua Tree National Park. At the end of the day when the sun lights up the entire view with a warm glow, there is a feeling of awe and serenity.

Little wildflowers line the age-worn rocks alongside the trail. This piece is a quiet moment, witnessing the power and vastness of a special place.

Below are details from the painting, showing the textures and brushwork of the rocks and plants, while the sky is painted soft and ephemerally.

Christine White, Art - Detail of Saddle Rock
Christine White, Art - Detail of Wildflowers, Ryan Mountain Trail

Pricing Information: $850 USD

Sky on the Water, Life Beneath – 24×12, oil

This piece is the meditative movement of koi fish circling in a pond, and the sky reflecting on the water. A metaphor for the forces in and around us when we really slow down.⁣ It also captures the spirit of how I experience Southern California on the best days, when the sky is clear and bright, the palms softly rustle in the breeze, and I have time to listen to nature.

The piece has natural, finished wood sides so you can display with our without a frame.

Pricing Information: $950 USD

Repose, 15×30, oil on canvas

Repose – a Pond in Claremont. This pond had bright yellow butterfly koi with long, elegant fins, and shimmery white koi hiding more subtly amongst the lily pads. This piece is about balance: the movement of the fish, the thickly painted greenery, and the play of light and shadow on the still surface. The image wraps around the sides of the 1.5 inch canvas, meaning you can hang this piece as-is without a frame as if the life-size koi are swimming on your wall.

Pricing Information: $1600 USD

Prospecting at Dusk, 24×36 oil

Its not often that we get rainbows here in the dry climate of Southern California. Seeing this one at dusk brought a feeling of solemn gratitude. This painting conveys subtle details in the orchard, the city lights, and the foliage of the valley. The skyline features the San Bernardino Mountains, a quintessential view of the Inland Empire.

As kids we are told that gold awaits at the end of a rainbow. But trees, ripening fruit, and a sky so clear you can see for miles – this is a more true treasure. The title is a double entendre in the search for gold and the namesake of the park.

This piece features softly rounded gallery wrapped edges, so framing is optional but not necessary.

Pricing Information: $1950 USD

Desert Dream, 36×36, oil

This piece presents color harmony between dry elements – the wind farms out towards Palm Springs and a desert morning sky – and the water elements of koi in a pond. Thick, loose brush strokes convey expressive energy in a 3-feet square format.

Here is a detail of the painting when it was in-progress, showing the expressive brushwork even at the early stage.

And here below you can see the size of the painting, me sitting next to it for scale.

Pricing Information: $3275 USD

Cascade, 30X15, oil

Fish in their pond have their own personalities and social dynamics. This painting conveys the bold, inquisitive, and shy residents of our pond. The water is painted with an expressive wash, and can be interpreted as rock or air in places. The canvas is gallery-wrapped, ready to hang with no frame required.

I recently re-envisioned this painting for a vinyl guitar wrap composition, with a lot of great input from the instrument’s owner. The relationship is shown in this video.

Pricing Information: $1475 USD

Disco, 14X18, oil

Glitzy globes celebrate weekend nights on a dance floor. Visiting Tucson, we ventured to a local bar and were welcomed by these shimmering mirror ball lights. This painting works the light reflections up in thin layers, painted on canvas, and brings the carefree joy of music and movement to any room.

Pricing Information: $775 USD